Keep discussions to the Sims games or related subjects. We're not here to debate politics or religion or lobby for anything.
No advertisement or product promotion.
Don't post anything that references adult materials. This includes linking to adult-themed mods for games. We intend to protect younger gamers, so keep content clean and appropriate. This includes avatars and signatures. Social interaction is welcome in the Off Topic section, but keep discussions and posts within the Teen rating of the game. We are not going to monitor for age, so inappropriate talk will result in a ban.
Don't bully or use toxic behavior. Personal defamation, harassing, bullying, threatening, offending, doxxing or any harmful behavior towards others is not acceptable and will result in immediate and permanent ban.
Don't discriminate. That means no sexism, racism, homophobia, etc.
Don't link to or discuss pirated and/or harmful content: Such as malware, viruses, etc.
Don't be a troll, bait or flame.
For your own protection, don’t post personal information or pictures.